Friday, April 25, 2008


WES D was a little strange. At first I didn't know what I was reading, but once i looked at the drawing, i understood what I was reading. I learned that the wind changes the direction of the water currents.


WES C was quite interesting. the card thing was a little hard partly because I couldn't hold my pencil down and move the card. the questions were a little strange. But other than that I liked it. At this point I don't really know I learned anything. I'll have to tell you that later.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Deforestation 2

Many conservationists have tried to come up with a solution to deforestation. But so far nothing has been sucessful. The main threats to forests are logging, land clearing (for farming) and urban sprawl. All these things are caused by man and his machines. Humans are destroying their forests and we aren't doing anything about it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Deforestation is a big problem many animals lose their homes, mothers and babies get separated and animals get killed. Deforestation also affects our oxygen level on earth and it changes our atomosphere. Deforestation could be the reason for global warming, i don't know how. (I heard someone say that) Some people have come up with a solution for deforestation, every time you cut down a tree you plant a new one. But trees grow very slowly so it will take a while for the forests to grow back. Many conservations are concerned that deforestation will lead to the exinction of many species of animals, birds, reptiles, and bugs. some of which are already rare. here are some of the animals threatened by deforestation:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Activity 4

today we had another lab, this was simular to the one before, we had a pop bottle with a thermomater in it and a lamp over it, we checked the temp. every minute.

Can someone PLEASE explain the purpose of this lab?